Medical Assistant distance education is emerging to meet the demands of a new generation of students in the twenty first century. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School distance education program for medical assistant presents a good model for this integration of technology with medical assistant education. Distance education, particularly in its most recent form, online education, is being integrated into even the most cautious and conservative of educational institutions. Yet the impact of these alternative forms of teaching and learning on students, faculty, and institutions has yet to be broadly or deeply studied. New models such as that at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School are immerging. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School is available at:

Distance education is not new, and can be traced as far back as the first century. The Apostle Paul wrote to the early Christian churches, instructing them from a distance (even when he was under 'house arrest' in Rome). This was probably the first type of 'correspondence course', which was the only method of learning at a distance until the advent of the telephone. Today, distance education and in particular online medical assistant instruction calls upon an impressive range of technologies to enable medical assistant instructor and the medical assistant student who are separated by distance to communicate with each other either in real time (synchronous) or delayed time (asynchronous). Currently and asynchronous model used at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School to instruct medical assistant students. This has proven to be a very effective model however the medical assistant program is currently investigating the benefits of synchronous online medical assistant instruction and the benefits it may have for the medical assistant student.
Medical Assistant distance learning epitomizes the move away from institute based learning to a more direct, student centered approach. As a concept, distance learning has existed for over a century, notably in the form of paper based correspondence courses including the less formal correspondence education for medical assistants. Now however, distance education is depending increasingly upon technology for its success and technological innovations ensure that distance learning for the medical assistant continues to evolve and grow as a valid and potent force in all forms of education for the medical assistant.
The task of the medical assistant distance educator is therefore to obviate these problems as much as possible by mixing and matching techniques, creating and maintaining a stimulating environment, and offering opportunities for medical assistant students to communicate with each other and with the medical assistant teaching staff on a regular basis. The medical assistant educators will also need to change their traditional role as well. Many remote medical assistant students need a great deal of social support, and medical assistant distance educators may find themselves spending more time offering one-to-one tutorials and less time lecturing. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School at is leading today's technology in medical assistant education.
When designing medical assistant educational systems and materials for medical assistant distance in delivery the medical assistant teacher must consider not only learning outcomes, but also centered requirements and technical constraints for the medical assistant. Also to be considered are the needs, characteristics, and individual differences of both the students, the teachers and future medical assistants.
Medical assistant distance education for the medical assistant then, should not be viewed as a means of reducing costs, but as an opportunity to raise standards. It is also about providing quality medical assistant learning opportunities for those who, for one reason or another, have previously been excluded from this basic human right. Medical Assistant distance education will quickly become the norm and not the exception for the twenty first century medical assistant. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School distance education program for medical assistant presents a good model for this integration of technology with medical assistant education. The St. Augustine Medical Assistant model can be reviewed at:

What do you need to become a teacher?

In almost every instance, in order for you to be able to become a teacher you are going to need at least an education degree. There are some instances where you can become a teacher at certain levels without one. Yet, most institutions prefer that, if you are going to teach in the K-12 system, you have a bare minimum of an education degree from an accredited institution.

The exceptions to this are generally teachers who are working at the post secondary instructional level. University professors often teach with a masters or doctorate degree in their area of specialty but may not have an actual degree in education. On the other hand, teachers in professional schools or community colleges may be teaching based on their professional experience rather than on any degree in teaching that they may have obtained.

Where can you get an education degree?

Since you know that you need one of these degrees in order to realize your dreams of becoming a teacher, you have to start listing your options for ways to get this kind of degree. The first option is through traditional universities or colleges, but this option can present several challenges for many individuals. Since you often need to attend classes full time in order to get this kind of degree, it can be difficult to pursue one if you are tied to an existing work or family schedule.

The next option is looking for distance or correspondence education options that will allow you to get your teaching degree. In the past, this meant taking a pen and paper course, usually through the mail, but the internet has allowed an entire new world of distance education options to open up.

How do you choose an online education program?

If you're looking for a good program to get an education degree online, the first thing that you want to be sure of is that you only look into schools that are accredited. Accreditation means that an educational institution has evaluated the school and determined that the educational standards enforced therein are up to the standards put in place across all educational institutions. This includes both, online and physical. From there, you may want to do research into the quality of the programs by reading reviews from the students who have participated in the courses, and employers that have hired graduates of the program to get a good idea of the program quality from the two most important viewpoints.

If you have been thinking about continuing your education, you should definitely check out Education Connection. You will find a fully functional, easy to use site that will allow you to compare the many educational institutions available, as well as hundreds of great programs! To find out more information on online degrees, visit Education Connection today at

Getting your child the best education possible is an important goal for many parents. Taking advantage of recent technological advances can give your child the opportunity of a lifetime. With distance education, children are opening gateways to corners of the globe they would have never experienced in the past.

Another fact to keep in mind is that because of the demanding schedules of individuals wishing or needing to pursue degrees at their own convenience or without relocation, distance education has evolved into many different forms. One of these is of course the online course. You can actually enter a full two year program right from your desk at home. You can complete all the required courses and assignments and receive an accredited certificate for your education. Many professors host classes in a chat room setting so that anyone that wants to answer or ask questions can do so instantly. Homework can be emailed or uploaded onto the class website.

In addition, distance learning is often more affordable than a traditional education. For parents that can't leave their home to employees who need to make money, you can still receive an education. Choose a program that works with your budget and your schedule to take the next step towards the career you want.

In particular learning a language is the best to do through distance learning. Instead of limiting your child's education to a classroom taught by a professor whose native language is also probably English, you can give your child the chance to experience the language from a professor that lives the language and speaks it naturally and fluently. Have your student speak to other students via the monitors and voice transmitters. Allow you children to talk to people who can teach the language in a more unique and meaningful setting.

Distance learning is within everyone's budget. Some libraries offer this type of education for free or for a nominal fee. Many school are now placing distance learning into their regular curriculum. There are even extra curricular activities for your children to partake in from programs offered online and to your home computer. Depending on your schedule and budget you can have your child speaking to a Chinese speaking professor about the grammar in their language or taking singing Spanish lessons from a teacher in Venezuela.

Gunnar Bengtsson writes about Distance Education and Learning for Distance Education.

This article on computer science distance education is intentionally written for everybody that wants to be relevant in this computer era and do not want to walk out on their employment in order to go back to school to be taught about it. It is no longer bewildering that any job out there is closely tied with the use of computer. In addition, moving up in the business ladder has much to do with how a great deal you know about and how you can use the computer. Selecting computer science distance education is extremely advisable if you desire to get a decent career, keep your job and earn a fat payment. The good news about this subject is that there are many educational institutions around you offering computer science distance education. The programs are planned to accommodate the busy executives who can't afford to leave behind their employment in order to go back to school. This means that you can find out the latest computer subjects from the convinience of your house or your workplace. This makes it possible for you to join studies with your job. You don’t have to let go one for the other. Requirements for computer science distance education vary from one institution to another. While some will require some basic knowledge of computer before you can be accepted for the main course, there are others out there that only want you to be able to read and write. The latter institutions think that when you can read and write, it is quite feasible for you to know about computer. Even if there are scores of schools out there that you can attend for computer science distance education, you need to be very cautious of diploma mills. This is what I mean. You must make certain that you go to only accredited schools. Avoid schools that put forward short cuts. They will not do your calling any good. Accreditation status of the school is very critical. Also, ensure that the school has all the obligatory amenities to impart computer education. I beg you to pay a visit to education forums online and ask people for their positions regarding the school you want to attend.

Ras Reed has spent many years online giving free advice and info like distance education in india as well as online masters program on his website.

What is a Distance Education Degree?

The internet is now not only changing the way we communicate, but has also shifted the preexisting paradigms of everything from work to banking to education. It is nearly impossibly now to spend any time online without seeing an ad for some kind of a distance education degree, and yet many have no idea what these ads are actually advertising.

The last few years have seen an influx online of both new schools who are offering education through a purely electronic format and other existing colleges and universities transitioning or expanding their existing courses to include options for people to study online. This means that it is now possible to obtain a distance education degree, which means that you can get a full degree for everything from a trades diploma to a full Ph.D., without ever setting foot in a classroom.

How do they work?

A distance education degree program offered over the internet works in many ways more similarly to a regular classroom educational model than you might realize. First, like in a regular class, you will be scheduled with regular reading assignments to complete in order to learn the material required. You would then be asked to submit your work based on those readings. Quizzes are simply administered with online software and written assignments can all be submitted electronically.

What about the interaction that you get while going to a real school?

Online education, and the reason that more and more people are now opting for a distance education degree, has developed to include this type of element. Many classes now include an element of what is called "synchronous" online education. This means that there may be scheduled times where participants in a class will meet online, in either a chat room, tele- or video-conference in order to discuss the assigned material or participate in group activities. The increase in technology has made it more possible than ever for the online educational experience to mirror the one that takes place in traditional classrooms.

Is it for me?

If anything has ever held you back from furthering your studies, there is a good chance that getting a distance education degree might be the solution that you're looking for. You don't have to move to study and you can take a flexible course load that allows you to complete the degree at your own pace. In fact, in many cases, the total costs of your education will be much lower than if you attended a traditional college.

If you have been thinking about continuing your education, you should definitely check out Education Connection. You will find a fully functional, easy to use site that will allow you to compare the many educational institutions available, as well as hundreds of great programs! To find out more information on online degrees, visit Education Connection today at

Several of us hold a wrong or incomplete idea of distance education universities. Previously, I also possess such a view. What viewpoint? We think of universities making available distance education as a far-away educational institution. In fact, that is right but that is not the whole story. I was particularly marveling recently when I discover a university in my state offering distance education. That changed my whole outlook of the topic. This means that it is no longer a far-away school, college or university. It could also be a school close to you. You don’t comprehend it still? All I am endeavoring to talk about is that I can comfortably sign up for a local distance education university presenting a course or program that I like. This depict that I can get the education I want without dissapearing from the convinience of my house regardless of the fact that the school is not distant from me. Do you get it now? Therefore, it depict that you don’t have to search far away when considering long distance education. Simply check if a local school is offering the course you are fond of, enroll for it and get access to all the advantages of distance education. Nevertheless, I need to make clear that you must take into account accreditation as the first criteria when searching for a university to go to. Don’t be motivated by their publicity or their websites. You must examine the accreditation position of the school before registering. Additionally, you should make sure that the course you want to enroll for is also accredited. Do not give up one for the other. The two, that is the school as well as the course you want to register for must accredited. The attractiveness of going to a local or distant university presenting distance education is very tempting. It saves you lots of your hard earned money that would have gone on accommodation and transportation. Hence, it connote that whether the school is near you or far-off, you can go to the classes in the convinience of your house or company. There is no need to go to the classes physically. All that is demanded is a laptop with internet access. In spite of this, before you register for your classes at any of the various distance education universities out there, it is desirable for you to enhance your computer knowledge or expertise. For you to fully enjoy the benefit of this type of education, it is indispensable to understand how to apply the world wide web. Besides, you should be an individual that can get responsibilities executed without the assistance of anyone. You should not be given to procrastination if you want to conclude your program successfully.

Ras Reed has spent many years online giving free advice and hints like mba distance education india as well as distance education university on his website.

Do you have any plan to pursue your further education abroad? Will you need English for your career or your education? If so, you may wish to investigate your options for learning, or improving, your English skills.

The TOEFL Test: TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language) is a test used by many colleges, universities, government agencies and exchange and scholarship programs in the US, UK and Canada as a means of evaluating the language skills of a person whose first language is not English.

You can find TOEFL study guides easily online with other recommended resources listed. You may be able to access some of the sample tests and prepare with personal study. Or you may look for a class with an instructor to help you prepare for the test.

ESL Classes: ESL classes are a common means for students to learn English with group of classmates. These can be in the form of an evening class with various individuals attending or may be part of a college program during the day.

The course length and the topics covered will differ from country to country and school to school. Some summer programs are geared for international students to gain a basic grasp of the language before starting studies in English taught classes of the college or university.

Since the standards of passing a course, or the course material itself, will vary drastically, some students may feel that the language skills gained upon completing the course does not equip them to handle school work or social interactions adequately.

Some schools offer students and alternative of home-stay programs for students. Home-stay programs benefit the student by placing them for several weeks or months with a host family that speaks English. The student is then able to immerse him or herself in the culture and social speaking of the English country they are living in. There are also online ESL programs that may be suitable for distance education, especially if programs are not readily available in your area.

Private Tutors: Another popular method of learning English is with private tutors. The materials and methods used by ESL tutors will vary greatly and it is important to establish what material will be used and to feel comfortable with the tutor. Asking friends or other students for references can be helpful in finding a good tutor.

A combination of these English learning methods will be effective as well. You can take a summer course while staying with a home-stay host family and then arranging for private tutoring during the school year. Making an effort to use your new language skills regularly in social situations will improve your progress regardless of the program or course you are using.

AUSTIN, TX June 24, 2004 -โ€" In April, the President's U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy cited a "critical need" to protect ocean resources from exploitation and pollution. That's hardly news to Paul Ellis of Austin.

The 61-year-old grandfather and former U.S. Marine Corps pilot has been training for four-plus years โ€" more than 5,000 miles -- to swim Mexico's Yucatan Channel to raise public awareness of the perils facing the coral reefs and the world's "one ocean that goes by many names."

At 2 a.m. on Aug. 5, 2004, Ellis, founder and chairman of Austin Business College, will brave Caribbean waters in an attempt to swim the 35 miles from Cozumel Island to mainland Cancun. The environmentalist and sports enthusiast has dedicated himself to "inspiring millions of world citizens still uncommitted to get informed and to take action."

"The dream success of my mission would be for one million persons to join an organization dedicated to our common goals and to work in their communities and their civic and political circles on behalf of clean water issues," Ellis emphasized. "I don't care which of the organizations listed at my Web site, , they choose to support. Good work is being done. Whether you are a homemaker or a lawmaker, the need for individual involvement before it is too late is absolutely critical."

On May 8, to launch his present channel quest and in recognition of May being National Senior Citizens Month, he became the first person ever to swim from Miller Dam to Longhorn Dam on Austin's Town Lake. He completed the seven miles along the Colorado River in three hours and 35 minutes, about the same amount of time it took to convince the City Council to lift its long-standing, no-swimming ban on the lake for the attempt.

Ellis' courageous undertaking also is designed to recognize and support the organizations, foundations and citizens groups committed to preserving earth's life-giving eco-systems. "That includes the Mexican government for its major success in implementing a National Marine Park off the Island of Cozumel and protecting the Meso-American Reef system," he said.

Frigid Training, Fresh Support

The environmental crusader has been training up to seven hours a day in the chilly 68-degree waters of Austin's Barton Springs pool to make good his second attempt at crossing the channel.

In 2002, he was personally coached by former Mexican Olympic swimmer Josh Ilika, had a nutritionist and a phalanx of physicians. However, he was forced to cut short the endeavor after 11 grueling hours, due to severe changes in the currents. This time, Ellis has been given access to more than 20 years of studies and satellite images of the impulsive Yucatan currents.

The Vietnam veteran, a decorated medi-vac pilot, has already spent more than $30,000 in personal funds to take on the "dangerous enterprise" -- sharks, jellyfish, currents, winds, and even passing cruise ships and their dangerous wakes. The swim, 14 miles longer than an English Channel crossing, may take up to 15 hours. And lest one think he is foolhardy, Ellis is the first to declare, "I am not a daredevil. I'm an educator."

The swim, which will take him about 15 miles offshore in water that is 4,000 feet deep, is not sanctioned by the Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA), the worldwide, swimming sports governing organization. However, Ellis has self-imposed specific ground rules.

He will not touch any of the three boats that will accompany him. His sons, Colin, Paul Matthew and Tres, will ride alongside him in a boat to help watch for menacing sharks and lightning, which will signal his exit from the water. He will then re-enter the water when it is safe at the exit point recorded by a mobile global positioning system (GPS).

"We live in a time in which every living system on earth is in decline, and that rate of decline is accelerating. We are losing our forests, fisheries, coral reefs, topsoil, water, biodiversity and climate stability. Our land, sea and air are being transformed from life-supporting systems into repositories for waste," Ellis opines. "We have lost more than 25% of the world's coral reefs. At the present rate of destruction, 60% of the world's coral reefs will be destroyed by 2034."

"Really, there is just one ocean on this planet, but it goes by a lot of different names. Both it and the reefs form an amazing ecosystem that is the source and resource for all living organisms," he said. "The steps we take now may not have an impact for decades. The steps untaken, however, may well doom a major portion of our planet and an untold number of species."

Scientific Concern...Public Awareness

To reinforce the commitment to his cause, Ellis and friends hosted a free public showing of the IMAX film "Coral Reef Adventure" at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin on June 17. About 260 persons attended and learned more about the swim and the role reefs play as the "canary in the mine shaft."

"I've been a sport diver for more than 30 years. Through my own dive mask I have seen the deterioration of the reefs for decades," Ellis told the audience. "It is why I decided to do something about it and why I'm asking others to join me."

Reef Check's Gregor Hodgson, an ecologist and professor at UCLA, said reef protection is important for the environment and science. He says coral reefs rank second only to rain forests for biodiversity and are a proven, valuable source for medical researchers. Chemical compounds found on reefs have been used to fight cancer and HIV, the virus that causes the AIDS disease.

"That's why we should take care of reefs," Hodgson said. "Everything is linked in these ecosystems. If we pull that particular link, it's likely to destabilize the entire earth function."

Ellis' saltwater quest and determination to enroll citizen-activists has caught the attention of local and national media. Ellis has been featured by the Associated Press; the Austin American-Statesman; "Touch of Grey", a syndicated, 50-station radio show; by Texas State Network (radio), and all five area television stations. Upcoming national coverage will appear in Fathoms Magazine, Rodale's Dive Magazine and on ESPN Radio News.

Ellis' confidence and compelling story has inspired the making of a documentary film that captures this compelling human spirit and environmental story. Brad Boyd, executive producer at Angel Productions in Lago Vista, Texas ( is working with researchers from Duke University, the University of Texas at Austin, the Oceanic Conservation Organization, the Planetary Coral Reef Foundation and a growing list of other worldwide, committed environmental organizations to supplement Ellis' story and to educate the public about the importance of the coral reef systems.

"Ellis is an extraordinary man attempting an extraordinary feat for an extraordinary cause. I only hope I am up to accurately capturing his bravado, intensity and devotion," Boyd said.

Mexican Officials Involved

In mid-June, Ellis and Boyd met with Robert Cudney, Director of the National Marine Park of Cozumel, which support the swim, including deployment of a patrol boat. Cudney will speak at the Swim4theReef "Celebrate Cozumel" International Reef Party surrounding the event.

Other officials "on board", include Raul Marrufo, Director-General of Economic Development and Tourism of Cozumel and (Mayor) Carlos Hernandez-Blanco, Presidente de Municipal of San Miguel del Cozumel.

Sergio Sandoval is the expert consulting on Yucatan currents and environmental elements, along with his daughter Betty, a record-holding distance swimmer who also is a team member. Sandoval was a friend, advisor and guide to the late Jacque Cousteau when his research vessel The Calypso visited Isla Cozumel waters.

Cozumel's Palancar Reef and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia are the two largest living organisms on earth, a feat requiring 50 million to 60 million years to accomplish. The damage to the reefs has largely occurred during the past 100 years due to global warming, overfishing and pollution. Still, an estimated 300 million persons now rely on fish from the reefs for food.

"Whether I succeed in the swim or not, my invitation is clear: Be a part of history, join the fastest growing, most powerful movement in the protect the living systems of our planet earth," Ellis said, adding "I wish I could deliver that message in every known language in the world. Get in the water! Get informed. Take Action. Tell others."

For more details, map of swim route, digital images of Ellis, project updates and sponsor information or ways you can get involved, go to .


Preston F. Kirk, APR, The Chrisman Group, Austin TX, 830-693-4447;,

Jacque Chrisman, Principal, 512-345-8969;

The territory of Latin America has experienced a big economical growth and development during the 90s of the last century. It seemed that difficulties were overcome and new stage of development was achieved. The crisis of the 80s was left behind and new perspective and horizons of development in the economical, political and social field appeared for countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. But the euphoria and happiness caused by the rapid success and major changes was changed to new depression nowadays. And though the crises in not as deep as it used to be in the last century and steps to progress were made, problems the countries from Venezuela through Peru to Argentina face today are essential and it's evident that brave and courageous expectations for rapid changes and "economical wonder" will not come true.
Political leaders and governors of the Latin American countries proclaim the ideas of economical growth, reduced poverty, social equality, opportunities for personal development, business development and the equality between the representatives of the different classes. These are the things ordinary people who choose their governess seek also. So, sounds like both - ordinary people and their governors seek for the same thing. But still this doesn't happen or even if it does, the changes are too slow and the short periods of progress are interrupted by the long periods of stagnation. There were made a lot of researches to find the possible reasons of such a situation and possible ways of solutions. A lot of scholars from different fields share same point of view. They all state that educational systems of the countries and educational traditions formed through the centuries have a very big influence on the economical, political and social life of the countries.
Changes which take place in these countries occur in the historical and cultural context where education was never considered to be essential and important part of the system. In the past countries of Latin America and the Caribbean were dominated by the small groups of educated elite and the rest of the population didn't get any education at all. Hieratical and highly stratified society was closed for the outer influences and very slow to change. This is how Mexican Nobel laureate Octavio Paz describes the difference in the structure of societies and ways of thinking of Latin America and the US: "To cross the border between is to change civilizations. Americans are the children of the Reformation, and their origins are those of the modern world; we Mexicans are the children of the Spanish empire, the champion of the Counterreformation, a movement that opposed the new modernity and failed."
It's common truth that universal high-quality basic education prepares people to take responsibilities for their lives, makes them creative, independent individuals who make a health and developed society. "As education develops, poverty and inequality will be over-come," states Enrique Iglesias, the President of the Inter-American Development Bank.
The historical development and cultural traditions of Latin American and the Caribbean countries have left the prophesy which created the problems in the education modern society has to deal with now. And though a big effort during several last years was made to overcome them, these problems are still topical. These problems include the lack of trained and qualified teachers (poor salary teachers get for their job can be one of the roots of the problem), lack of monitoring of teaching and programs, problems with distanced learning using such modern educational techniques as Internet. Cube looks like a very nice exception among the countries of Latin America which faces a lot of problems in the sphere of education. A lot of research was made to find out the reason of such a difference and finally it was proved that such a good state of the educational system was created by the higher number of good teachers. Also Cuban teachers are often evaluated, and those who fall behind are sent back for refresher courses.
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